Hey come celebrate with us! We have a great day planned, full of music, food & drink specials, and guaranteed fun times!
Look at this amazing line-up, beginning at 11am and going til midnight:
11am, Milk & Eggs http://www.milkaneggs.com/
1pm, Phil Ochs
3pm, Doug Nye https://douglaskramernye.bandcamp.com/
5pm, John Till http://johntillmusic.com/
7pm, AJ Worden & Brendan Spengler
8pm, The Mint Lounge (feat. Pete Balestrieri)
9pm, B Star https://www.facebook.com/bstardude1/
10pm, Haunter https://haunter0.bandcamp.com/
11pm, Raw Space https://rawspace.bandcamp.com/