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Halloween Cover Band Benefit Show at Trumpet Blossom

Awesome bands covering awesome bands for the benefit of the Rape Victim Advocacy Program!

Piss Exorcist as Creedence Clearwater Revival
Starry Nights as KISS
TIRE FIRE as AJJ (JL & Ian of Zuul)
Punx Play Nirvana (Gabe, Joe M, Kyle M)
HITTER (Chicago rock ft. Adam "Lucky" Luksetich)

Also there will be a costume contest and the vegan jello slurps will be making a return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doors at 8, music at 8:30, bar open til 1:30am!!!
$7 suggested donation to RVAP
All ages

If you can't make it to the show you can still donate to RVAP -